This is The Poor Man.  It is an Institute. You are not.

57 Responses to “What?”

  1. peter ramus Says:

    I like the look of the place now that you’ve cleaned up the two dirts.

    The lower left hand corner is a particularly nice touch.

  2. ploeg Says:

    Huh? What the…? How? Who…? Oh, Jesus Christ.

  3. lynndi Says:

    I missed the Poor Man Institute very much. Thanks for the comeback!

  4. Chris Says:

    Where the f*#k have you been?

  5. Todd Says:

    That mural! Ken shape-shifting into vol 22 of a Choose your Own Adventure novel? I fucking wept, man. I wept, because I just saw God.

  6. Shlomo Firefly Says:

    welcome back, you salivating, prurient sots… the lights are back on, the floors have been swept, the fridge is stocked with veggies and cans of Fancy Feast

  7. Todd Says:

    I don’t represent a coalition of concerned citizens who are anti-laser. Here are the facts that Big Laser doesn’t want you to know.

    1. Lasers = Death
    2. Anyone who as seen documentaries like “Star Wars” and “Battlefield Earth” know that lasers are here to kill us.
    3. They want to put the lasers in your eye. Your eye! What? Have they seen documentaries like “Star Wars” and “Battlefield Earth”?
    4. Don’t let them tell you that you can ride a laser. You can’t.
    5. Lasers will burn your ass. Don’t find out like we did.
    6. Lasers prey on our children with their various cool colors. Fuck you Big Laser, stay off my boy’s lunch pail!
    7. Everyone is pro-laser? Wrong, we’re anti-laser. See?
    8. A Laser killed Obi-Won Kenobi. Big Laser will tell you otherwise, all they’re interested in creating the next generation of photon torpedoes, laser swords, light sabres, and even now laz-o-chucks. Laser Nun chucks! Who’s side is Big Laser really on? The Chinese, the Russians, and the Cylons, that’s whose.
    9. How annoying are laser pointers, really?
    10. You can’t even go light-speed dude, you’re twin will get all old, and you’ll only be going -.1 the speed on light. Who has time for that?
    10. The Bussard Ramjet is the ONLY technology that will, 1. Clean the environment, 2. Keep good jobs here at home, 3. stop the greed in D.C., and 4. Not kill us to death like lasers.

    Thank You.

    – Not a Lobbiest for Big Ramjet.

  8. Todd Says:

    and here’s a third #10!
    10. We can’t even mention the number of times in the Bible Christ or Lord and Saviour who sits on the right hand of our Father til Perditons Adevent, warned his followers to resist the temptation of lasers.

    We’re the National Assoc. Massing Back Laser Action, or NAMBLA.


    Thank You,

    – Not a Lobbiest for Big Ramjet

  9. Paul Curtin Says:

    i can has little mustache?

    is gift?

  10. ERIC PENNEY Says:

    Are you fucking kidding me? This book is the most stupid thing in the history of man. I can’t even bring myself to hate you. you’re an idiot.

  11. Paul Curtin Says:

    Oh eric, eric (May I call you eric?),

    As one who comes to bury the editors, not praise them, allow me to frame a simple reply:
    1. yes
    2. possibly
    3. emotions are illogical. don’t bemoan your inability to emote.
    4. closer reading may cause you to re-evaluate this statement.


  12. Hi,
    I am a long time reader and fan of The Institute, despite my libertarian orientation. (That would be Jim Henley-style libertarianism, not the old professer glibertarianism, by the way). I am one of the posters at I am writing to solicit a post from you that mentions the fifth anniversary of the three American hostages in Colombia. The background:

    On February 13th, 2003 four Americans under contract with the U.S. Department of Defense and a Colombian citizen onboard a Cessna 208 crashed in the Colombian jungle. They survived. Unfortunately, they were deep within territory controlled and patrolled by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, widely referred to as the FARC, the largest armed insurgent force in the Western hemisphere. The revolutionaries soon surrounded the crash site. They executed pilot Tom Janis and Colombian Luis Alcides Cruz on the spot. They took the three other Americans, Marc Gonsalves , Keith Stansell, and Thomas Howes, prisoner. And so they remain to this day. Five years held hostage in the Colombian jungle.

    I have written a bit about them here:

    Here is what I propose: On the fifth anniversary of their imprisonment, I hope for every blogger and journalist with which we have the slightest influence to post something about Marc, Keith, & Tom. Anything. Decry the drug war. Rail against the communist-based, narco-trafficking insurgents. Rage against Western imperialism in Latin America for all I care. Just remember Marc, Keith, & Tom. Express concern for their welfare, and hope for their freedom. Demonstrate to their families that they are not forgotten. Help me spread the word. I don’t care if you link to us, I really don’t. Just post something. This should be something that can cross most ideological boundaries. I don’t know what good this can do, but I would like to think that it might elevate the issue in the minds of influential parties. Hostages do, on occasion, get released for public relations reasons.

    I would be happy to answer any questions you might have.

    – Jack

  13. dang it. Sorry about that. I was trying to send you a comment, and did not realize I was commenting in a thread. SHould not drink scotch and post. Should not drink scotch and post.

  14. Paul Curtin Says:

    Right you are Jack!
    A pint of gin is yer only man!

  15. Porgie Tirebiter Says:

    Fucking hell. I had changed my bookmark to the blogspot address. Make up your mind already. Flip-flopper!

  16. Stogie Says:

    Where can I find back issues of the Keyboard Kommandos?

  17. びっくり Says:

    Your header is very amusing (if not inflammatory), but I was a little upset to see MLK, Jr. amongst those other rogues. He brought some good to the world… all the others failed in that regard.

  18. Twisted_Colour Says:



    驼峰! 哈哈!

  19. Jen-naJ Says:

    Don’t you think its time you took down the picture of Hillary from your title? Seriously, you’ve all won your little war and the lesser prepared/less articulate democrat is getting the nomination, so GIVE IT UP! Let her be in peace…wherever your unfounded hatred of her stems from (*she* is not responsible for her husbands transgressions…and despite some stupid errors she has made in her campaign, has been relatively honest as a politician and has voted the same on Obama on all but two votes–check the actual voting record based upon votes they were present for), she has LOST and will cause you no more problems. So, let it rest. Your continued slander of Hillary serves only to make you look petty and well, you are also on the verge of losing yet another reader.

  20. It may be for the best if people who don’t understand jokes to stop reading this site. Thanks to Jen-naJ for allowing us the opportunity to clear this up!

    1. John (aka Derelict) Says:

      Hey, Sifu, curv3ball, edtiors–What happened? The institute shut down last December and we ain’t heard a word since!

      I’m sure I’m not alone in missing the humor and spot-in commentary the institute provided. So, what’s up?

  21. dave Says:

    IJUSTWANTEDTOSAY that you’ve lost another reader! How do you feel about that, you sanctimonious BLOGFUCKER? From now on I’m ONLY GOING TO READ YOUR PICTURES AND VIDEOS.

  22. Another Institute Says:

    I have a problem with this post. Can’t put my finger on it, though.

  23. Uncle Al Says:

    Think deeply upon the motto of Dr. Schund’s Institute for Institutional Analysis: “The answer lies within”

  24. not Todd Says:

    This blog is broken, there’s no link to the pragpro?!

  25. Todd Says:

    Ahh, that’s better. This new marketing strategy will pay.

  26. Incontinentia Buttocks Says:

    What’s with the sudden rebranding and rather hideous new look?

  27. Mr. Merle Says:

    I always thought that WordPress’ Serene Aquamarine template was severely underrated for the lower 9th tier of cheap-ass templates.

  28. J.D. Says:

    I for one welcome our Viklundian overlords. We could use a little more Swedish in our lives…

  29. Mooser Says:

    I am to an Institute! In fact, I’ve been institutionalised.

  30. randy Says:

    Ugliest redesign with the best content. Ever.

    …please pick another template.

  31. O Sham tit Says:

    …please pick another template.


    I’d also like to point out that I am commenter @§©¡¡-†®À§H above. I changed names because: 1.) 9/11 changed everything and 2.) I got sick of screwing up my own name.

  32. Essjay Says:

    re: The makeover. Is there a template with midi sound, animated gifs, yellow-on-blue text and flashing ALL CAPS headlines? I might like that better.

  33. Incontinentia Buttocks Says:

    Thank you….thank you…thank you!

    Oh…and thank Ken, too!

  34. Rachel Says:

    Shock and awe. Speechless. Respect. Definitely will keep coming back. You. Are. Awesome. And yes, lasers = death.



  35. Guy Forget Says:

    This site is cubessence.

  36. peorgie tirebiter Says:

    My kingdom for Ken audio.

  37. Mooser Says:

    My kingdom, well, a fief or two and a couple of hogsheads of halvah, for a gravatar!

  38. mick Says:

    can anyone help me find: i think it was here at the poorman, an mp3 post titled “every political discussion i have had for the past 10 years”. anyone recognize that and have a link? it’s raging awesomeness has become a key to my continuing happiness…..

    it must have new life!

  39. smoothjazz2008 Says:

    Don’t you think its time you took down the picture of Hillary from your title? Seriously, you’ve all won your little war and the lesser prepared/less articulate democrat is getting the nomination, so GIVE IT UP! Let her be in peace…wherever your unfounded hatred of her stems from (*she* is not responsible for her husbands transgressions…and despite some stupid errors she has made in her campaign, has been relatively honest as a politician and has voted the same on Obama on all but two votes–check the actual voting record based upon votes they were present for), she has LOST and will cause you no more problems. So, let it rest. Your continued slander of Hillary serves only to make you look petty and well, you are also on the verge of losing yet another reader.


    Looks like I missed a really funny banner. :D

  40. smoothjazz2008 Says:

    Can you post a thread on the Vermont gay marriage ruling? I would like to see what happens when I make my arguments against gay marriage.

    Thank you.

  41. smoothjazz2008 Says:

    Can someone provide a link to the old Hillary banner? I’d really like to see it.

  42. Bill Kristol Says:

    I enjoy Sarah Palin, Lady Gaga and genocide. Pass it on.

  43. Mr. Vader Says:

    My suit is getting a bit tight. My hard on for the institute of -soon to be vaporized by my huge moon ship- poor men is very painful.

    Ps – I heart lazers.

  44. rick Says:

    I wonder what The Editor would make of all this debt ceiling madness…

  45. meepmeep09 Says:

    A belated fare thee well, Editors. You were greatly appreciated, and now you are greatly missed.

    Please don’t ever apply your considerable powers of communication and snark in the service of The Dark Side.

    Best wishes.

  46. Frank Shannon Says:

    I miss the Editors.

  47. Todd Kennedy Says:

    I can has new poorman post?

  48. Kurt Says:

    I miss this place.

  49. Failed Transcopter Says:

    Come back, little Sheba!

  50. Mike Adamson Says:

    I miss you guys.

  51. Danny Says:

    Hey folks; are you still there? If so, is there a way to contact you?

  52. Bozo the Cocksucker Says:

    My anus is an institute. The Institute of Brighton.

  53. rynato Says:

    OMG OMG OMG Sifu posted in January and I missed it. I used to check every so often and prayed to science that you would come back and I’d given up hope. You all have been so missed and so desperately needed, even after the evil monsters in the WH were banished by Seekrit Mooselimb Soshulist Dicktater’s Giant Magic Negro Penis. The Tea Party. The 2012 election and the presidential campaign of some fucking obnoxious plutocrat who would have been put up against the wall if we had gotten the hope and change we voted for twice when we elected that Communist gun-grabbing dictator.

    Please. Come back. I have some linty pocket change I can offer you as an incentive.

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